what is biotin

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Vitamins are reinforcements for the immune system that defend our body against various infections and diseases. And one of these vitamins is biotin. So what is biotin? Well, it is a water-soluble vitamin B, which is also popularly known as vitamin H. Basically, it is a coenzyme that assists in the metabolism of fatty acids, leucine and carbohydrates. More importantly, he has a stellar role to play in gluconeogenesis (a metabolic pathway for carbohydrate substrates not carbon acids as glycogen, which helps in the generation of glucose). Also, it helps in the citric acid cycle of aerobic respiration and aid in transfer of carbon dioxide during the biochemical processes. So now the question, what is the function of biotin, was answered, we will learn about the sources of biotin and its uses.

What is found in Biotin?

Generally, the biotin is produced in adequate quantities by the intestinal bacteria. Dietary supplements also contain biotin. And the natural sources of this vitamin are:

* Beans

* The bread

* Cauliflower

* Vegetables kidney

Wheat germ *

* Brewer's yeast

* Egg yolk

* Mushrooms

* The Bananas

* Nuts

* Oatmeal

* The white meat (chicken and fish)

* Peanuts and peanut butter

* The Oysters

* Molasses

* Chocolate

Furthermore, biotin is also available as vitamin supplements in doses of 10 mcg 50 mcg and 100 mcg. However, consuming raw egg can cause severe disability biotin, such as egg whites contain a protein that prevents absorption of Vitamin by binding to biotin. Moreover, the consumption of antibiotics and anti-anti convulsion for a period of time may disturb the production of biotin and may increase the risk of health conditions such as nausea, anemia, depression, dermatitis and hair loss. It was also observed that biotin deficiency can cause neurological symptoms in adults as numbness, tingling in the limbs, hallucinations, lethargy and depression. In the worst case, biotin deficiency can weaken the immune system and make it more susceptible to bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

If you were thinking about, what is good for biotin, so here is the main part of the biotin benefits, for a better understanding:

* Synthesis of carbohydrates and fatty acids

* Improves energy metabolism (a coenzyme essential for 4 carboxylase enzymes in metabolism)

* Synthesis of amino acids and glucose

* It promotes the proper functioning of the sweat glands, bone marrow, skin and nerve tissue and blood cells

* Also increases the growth of hair and nails

Biotin benefits

Benefits of biotin were addressed in its own function. However, there are also other uses. Just go through your application in front of medical and cosmetic.

* Biotin supplements prevent hair loss and promote hair growth in thickness. They have been proven to treat alopecia effectively in both children and adults. Therefore biotin for hair growth is very effective.

* This supplement is also used to treat biotin response inborn errors of metabolism: holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency and biotinidase deficiency. Biotin may also be given to children to treat seborrhea child.

* People with genetic abnormalities are also given biotin supplements.

* For people suffering from type 2 diabetes, biotin levels are low. And in some cases, it has proved that biotin helps reduce blood sugar levels, although its efficacy is still under investigation.

* Programs weight loss Many make use of these supplements to help people too obese to lose your excess weight by increasing metabolism.

* In addition, biotin supplements are very effective for nail health sound. Dividing the fingernails or toenails can get better by consuming these supplements.

* Biotin has been very effective for children undergoing treatment for a rare hereditary disease called phenylketonuria (where amino acids can not be divided). Also people suffering from seborrheic dermatitis and eczema have benefited from these supplements.

A daily dosage of 30 to 100 mcg of biotin is recommended. In nutritional supplements, about 300 mcg is permitted, such as the United States Recommended Dietary Allowance (USRDA). For the health of hair and nails, people have used 2,500 mcg of biotin supplements on a daily basis, without any side effects. Also this vitamin has shown the best results when taken with supplements of vitamin B

I hope this article has answered all your questions like what is used for biotin. There were no significant side effects or toxicity observed in their consumption. However, according to recent studies and research case, too biotin (consumed more than the recommended amount) may lead to a serious medical condition, eosinophilic pleuropericardial stroke. Thus, it is recommended that this vitamin is consumed in adequate dosages to avoid any side effects due to overdosing biotin. In addition, pregnant women should consult their doctors before going for these supplements to avoid any side effects biotin. Otherwise, these vitamin supplements can be safely consumed, since the dosage level is correct. I hope this article was informative!


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